FRIENDS in the Universe we've named "FICTION"

Folks you meet in our works of fiction. Yes, you can visit their websites and email them. I'll  be the messenger and answer their emails for them. Really!

Andrew Mitchell, Maiyan series
Maiya van Anders, Maiyan series
Preston and Beth Majors, Maiyan series
Troy and Christie Mach,
Audaz, Complexity, Mach 6, Room bOmb
Dereck Haas, arch villain, Maiyan series
Isaac Boim
, How the World Will End
Ian and Vicki Utz, Complexity, Mach 6, Room bOmb
John R. Alexander, How the World Will End
Abdul Lomabad, How the World Will End
Nguyen Trinh,
Audaz, Mach 6, Room bOmb
Chiang Trinh, Audaz, Complexity, Mach 6, Room bOmb
Ben Jackson, Audaz, Complexity
Arthur and Susan Dare, Flash Points
Oliver and Veronica Baker,
Mach 6
Leon and Grace Merrit, Mach 6
Carlton Fromm,
How the World Will End
Claudia Fromm-Alexander, How the World Will End
Sabring and Le Oppositione,
Mach 6
Collin and Victoria Utz,
Mach 6
Marshall Price,
Christine Wright,
To Chase the Wind, Eclipse series
Jerry Plutus,
To Chase the Wind, Eclipse series
Ariel Liberman,
How the World Will End

Ever wish you could ask Sir Arthur Conan Doyle what
Mrs. Hudson or Sherlock Holmes really thought?

I certainly don't know Doyle, Hudson or Holmes, but I do know the characters in my novels, so I made that possible. It's not some spooky alternate reality but you and I live in a universe we've named REALITY. Every novel is about another universe we've agreed to call FICTION. More specifically we call it by the title of its book. Fictional universes can be almost identical to Reality, or very different. It's the aurhor's joy to describe those other universes for our pleasure.

Here is your chance to converse with Real and through me, some fascinating Fictional people.


FRIENDS in the Universe we've named "REALITY"

Real friends whom I admire for their greatness, good works or just because. Please tell them hi for me.  If they're offering anything, I recommend it. Top people.

Carol Mitchell, finest lady on earth
Robert Troy and Christie Anne Mach, the real people of Fiction
Andrew Mitchell, author
Bob and Claudia Maddux, author, pastor, musicians
Dr. Bob Cook. author, pastor
Patti Kobarg, author, nutritionist
Delle Jacobs, best selling author
John Locke, best selling author
Dr. Jonathan Smith, MD, MBA
Dr. Bijon Masrour, Dean California Miramar Univ.
Anita Weiser, MBA
Brendan Burchard, best selling author
Jim Orr, internet marketing master
Peter and Tamara Hobbs, godparents
John N. Mitchell, photographer & computer expert
Dr. Doyle Young, professor, business master
Joe Colligan, genius
Bonnie Engle, MBA Success Sales Strategies
Bob and Cindy Kilpatrick, composers, evangelists
Tom Sandoval, minister
Dr. Rene Nahrt, professor, business master
Dr. Akuuna Winston, professor, marketer
Dr. Ali Abu-Rahma, professor, business master
Dr. Sherri Petro, professor, strategic coach
